Muskoka Arts Awards: Best use in colour, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2008, 2010, 2018
Muskoka Arts Awards: Best in Show 2003
Muskoka Arts Awards: Award for excellence 1995, 2005, 2007
Muskoka Heritage Foundation Award 2004
The American Society of Architectural Perspectvists Award of Excellence 1990
The Gravenhurst Achievement Award in Architecture 1996
“Prairie” was selected to show with some of the ‘Group of Sevens’‘ paintings in the Varley Gallery to commemorate the one-hundredth anniversary of the Toronto Arts and Letters Club
“The Gravenhurst Archway” was selected by the American Society of Architectural Perspectivists to travel with twenty-nine other selected renderings to show in major galleries throughout the US for one year
Full time painter since 1995
Architectural renderer for 35 years
Head of interior design department at Parkin/Norr Architects 1972-1975
Honours graduate of the Ontario College of Art 1969